my things
Ordinal Pringles
My largest and most popular project. Actively developed.
The Modding Tree
A framework for making tree-based Incremental Games. Developed by Acamadea, updated and maintained by me.
A programming language made in C#. Comes with a built-in REPL. Very simple, but pretty cool.
A true idle game. Grow your Circle to grow the higher Circles.
Flame Tree
An ok TMT mod. My first major project.
all of
more of my things
Ordinal Pringles
My largest and most popular project. Actively developed.
The Modding Tree
A framework for making tree-based Incremental Games. Developed by Acamadea, updated and maintained by me.
A programming language made in C#. Comes with a built-in REPL. Very simple, but pretty cool.
A true idle game. Grow your Circle to grow the higher Circles.
Flame Tree
An ok TMT mod. My first major project.
An incomplete Incremental Game with a reasonable amount of content. My second attempt at making a JS game.
The Grind: Director's Cut
A pretty good joke Incremental Game.
The Grind
A decent joke Incremental Game.
The Grind 2
A less decent joke Incremental Game.
My first attempt at making a programming language. Made in Python and pretty buggy.
Conway's Game of Life, recreated by me.
Synergism Plus
A tool for making Synergism Mods. Has not been updated to recent Synergism versions (maybe one day).
A short and bad Incremental Game. My first attempt at making a JS game.
Operation: Satisfaction
An idle game where you watch numbers go up. Circles if it had no visuals.
about me
Hello! I'm
I usually make
incremental games
, but I have also made some programming languages and tools. Nothing too crazy :)
I have a lot of experience with
. I also have some experience in Python, Rust, and C++.
I am a 17 years old dual-enrolled highschool and college student. I plan to study
Political Science
and go to law school.
I work as a lifeguard at my local pool, as well as a nearby indoor pool.
I also own a katana and love swords :)
You can contact me at any time on Discord! My handle is
I am always happy to chat :)
It's also my handle on every other platform I use, if you're looking for me elsewhere.
thank you to:
, for being an inspiration, helping me whenever I asked, and being a friend.
, for being an inspiration for me and letting me use his CSS for my original homepage.
, for teaching me Git and basic JS.
, for helping a lot with Ordinal Pringles and providing lots of feedback.
, for helping me prototype Sea and teaching me advanced C#.
, for helping me a lot with TMT and providing the basics of Pringles' ordinal display code.
, for providing a lot of ideas and feedback for Ordinal Pringles.
Everyone who has ever given feedback on my games and projects.
Everyone in Meta Studio.